Honing Your Meditation Skills

We know from Patanjali the 8 limbs of yoga – yama, niyama, pranayam, asana, pratyahar, dharana, dhyana, samadhi. All are essential as we mature as yoga practitioners and meditators. Yogi Bhajan often calls Kundalini Yoga the “yoga of awareness”. What does he mean by “awareness”. Awareness is applied attention and focussed concentration (dharana) during meditation or yoga practice, and in daily living. This could mean attention on the breath, attention on the tip of the tongue while chanting, attention at the third eye point, attention to some part of the body in a posture, attention to a devotional feeling, attention to mantra – both repeating it or listening to it, attention to whatever arises as we practice, attention to the moment. What awareness is not, is thinking. It is helpful to me to observe myself while meditating or practicing yoga and to catch the activity of the mind, recognizing when … Continued